Thursday, July 26, 2012


My dear friends, acquaintances, family, strangers and all.

I have tried having a blog a couple of times in the past, and it never worked.
A couple of things have lead me to try again, and hopefully, this time around I will actually post stuff.

I deleted my facebook back on October 2011.
I also quit my job and started hitchhiking.
It took me until July 2012 to actually grow the balls to finally get rid of most of my stuff, send the rest to my mom's place, leave my apartment and move out of Mexico City.
But I did it.
And here I am now. Free. At least I feel pretty free right now.

So, my facebookless-self thought, that if any of you think of me some day and wonder where I am or what I am doing, you can look up this site and know that I'm still alive. That I haven't gotten killed or kidnapped or any of those things people talk about when they talk about hitchhiking.

Right now I'm in Acayucan, Veracruz, editing a documentary (not my own). I will be done with it some time in August (hopefully!) and I will start traveling again.

I left Mexico City with my friend Jenny a couple of days before the elections and we hitched to Chiapas and then Guatemala. If you want to get a little idea of what I was up to for those days, you can watch this little video I made about the trip.

I will post more about the trip and the stuff it has made me think about once I figure out how to upload photos.


AWAY! Two girls hitchhiking to Guatemala. from Marissa Rivera Bolaños on Vimeo.


  1. This feels familiar... I love you and I love Mexico.

  2. I love you! be safe! More videos and you may just convince me to come join you ;)
